How to keep your Carpet Clean for Longtime

Shoes, stains, furniture affect our carpet covering every day. Without a precise and regular entertainment, the carpet tends to damage more quickly and become less and less performing. Don’t worry, Carpet Cleaning Philadelphia experts with all its tips offers you the ultimate guide on how to clean your carpet, quickly and effectively.

Simple Carpet Cleaning
Keeping the carpet clean is easier than you think. In fact, for weekly cleaning it is sufficient to use a simple vacuum cleaner, maximum 1 or 2 times during the week. This type of cleaning can be combined with a carpet mousse to be sprayed directly and, after having left for a short period of time, pass the vacuum cleaner again. We also recommend that you ventilate the room frequently, especially after using this type of product.

Washing Carpet to Keep it Clean Longer
Here you have unveiled the magic formula to wash the carpet: white vinegar and sparkling water! Smells, softens and keeps the carpet clean longer. To make this "shampoo" just adds 200 ml of white vinegar to 1 L of frilled water; later you can apply the liquid on the carpet thanks to the use of a carpet brush. Leave for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

For more tips and tricks Organic Carpet CleaningPhiladelphia services.


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